Air Conditioning Systems

Airports & Stations

Millions of passengers fly to airports and stations all over the world every year. These buildings require a good air conditioning system capable of delivering a high degree…

Cinemas, Theaters & Museums

The specific control parameters required to build a perfect environment are challenging tasks that require expertise and reliability. TBA offers full solutions for air conditioning…

Data Centers

The limited budget and high energy costs force IT operators to pursue more effective solutions and at the same time to ensure high reliability. Air conditioning systems…

Expos & Exhibitions

TBA provides solutions characterized by high flexibility and durability that are ideal for large buildings such as exhibition and exhibition centers. All of our technologies are built…


In view of the special needs for environmental comfort in hospitals, air conditioning systems must meet particular technological and functional criteria, including …

Hotels & Restaurants

The comfort of our guests is a crucial element during their stay, or during dinner, and the main goals should be to maintain a high degree of environmental well-being.The real…

Leisure & Sport Centers

Creating a relaxing atmosphere for sport and leisure time is a challenging challenge, requiring strict monitoring of thermo-hygrometric parameters to maintain a strong and consistent…


Maximum efficiency and the operation of human resources in the working environment are now indispensable. In this context, the TBA is in a position to provide complete solutions…

Public Buildings & Schools

TBA provides solutions characterized by high flexibility and durability, ideal for all forms of public buildings, such as schools , colleges, government agencies, etc. All goods are engineered…


Today , the focus is increasingly on the family budget, with ever-increasing energy prices, as well as concern for the environment. The use of heat pumps for domestic cooling and heating…

Shopping Center

Today’s customers want to spend their time shopping in a relaxed environment, and this kind of atmosphere not only puts people in store, but also keeps them there longer…