New options, new possibilities: The technological highlights in the new PENSUM Air

- EC fans
The motor and electronics are perfectly coordinated and improve the ESEER value by up to +4%. - Partial heat recovery
Heat recovery is an intelligent method for increasing the overall efficiency of the system. It allows the heat discharged by the condenser to be recovered and used for other purposes. Under nominal conditions, it is possible to recover up to 40% of the thermal output.
- EC fans
Due to its intelligent design principle and the compact design of the plate heat exchangers and scroll compressors, the inside of the PENSUM Air provides enough space for plenty of equipment and numerous hydraulic options. Ex-works the integrated hydraulic module already contains the most important hydraulic components and is available in various configurations – which saves time and money during commissioning (plug & play). The hydraulic circuit can comprise a double shut-off pump, flow monitor, buffer tank, expansion vessel and safety valve.
- NEW: Electronic flow monitor
- NEW: Safety collection system for glycol
Companies operating facilities must obey strict rules on handling substances hazardous to water. The corresponding regulations can be found in the Federal Water Act (WHG), the Ordinance on facilities for handling substances that are hazardous to water (AwSV) as well as the EU-wide water framework and groundwater directives. One of the main legal requirements is a retention system to prevent oil or a mixture of water and glycol from escaping in the event of an accident. The tried-and-tested safety collection system for glycol in the new PENSUM Air not only provides safety in the event of an accident, it also prevents oils and mixtures of water and glycol from being flushed out by rain, for example. The system meets all requirements and can be operated safely and in line with the law from the very beginning.
- NEW: Electricity and heat meter
- Integrated electric meter for recording the entire amount of current consumed by the chiller or the reversible heat pump
- Integrated heat meter for recording the full heat quantity released by the heat pump
- NEW: Options for communication with the building technology
- Serial connection to networks that use the Carel, Modbus-RTU or Lonworks protocol
- Ethernet interface (SNMP, Modbus-TCP or BACnet protocol) and online monitoring software
- Access to online platforms
- Monitoring and control of the machine at any time and any place
- Seamless integration into the building control system
- Log file for monitoring and service applications
- Additional interfaces upon request
- NEW: Electricity and heat meter