As The Grundfos Service Partner, TBA offers customers a dedicated team of pump maintenance technicians and specialists who are committed to delivering Grundfos Standar service excellence, with any manufacturer’s pump.
Operating maily in the East of Jakarta and also throughout Indonesia, we are available 24/7 to help you effectively and efficiently manage all your pumps and pump equipment maintenance requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Services we offer

To achieve the perfect system balance and ensure you get the highest quality experience from your pump solution investment, it is important to get the pump(s) correctly commissioned. By choosing an industry expert such as Grundfos Service you have the assurance that with complex systems, a lot of things that have the capacity to go wrong, will operate effectively and efficiently.

Energy analysis/audits
A great opportunity for saving energy can be achieved by reviewing pump products and installations. This is because most currently installed pumps are larger than necessary for the job at hand, often using 60% more energy than they should. Working out the efficiency of your pumping solutions is complex this is why at Grundfos Service we have developed a range of tools that can accurately assess your current pump system performance and make recommendations about what steps you can take to …

Fire Service
Reliability and optimum performance are key for anyone using and relying on fire pumps to supply any sprinkler system. TBA can provide peace of mind and ease the ownership with the provision of: Servicing (diesel, electric and combinations); testing and system testing; commissioning; installation; general maintenance; workshop service; repair and overhaul and 24/7 call-out option.

Grundfos GO
Mobile control and monitoring of entire pumping/systems.

One aspect that has been recently highlighted as playing a very important role in contributing to a buildings energy use was for business to look at re-commissioning a buildings’ central plant equipment – such as the pumps – at least every five years.

Recommended spare parts
When you need to purchase spare parts, our recommended spare parts give you additional quality assurance and are the best way of achieving results that will help to prolong pump service life. Grundfos provide a wide range of spare parts or replacement components for obsolete products for up to 10 years after production has ceased.

Remote monitoring
GRM Solution Management is an efficient and cost effective alternative to costly SCADA systems or similar. With our Internet-based solution, you get a little extra overview with reliable performance data from your pumping installation at a very low cost, and with complete system security and reliability.

Service agreements
It goes without saying that once you have purchased your pump you want it functioning efficiently and reliably – all day, every day. The most effective way to achieve this on a longer term basis is via a service agreement. This will ensure your pumps are maintained to the highest standard, reducing unscheduled downtime, improving reliability and reducing energy consumption and running costs.

Service kits
Ensuring years of trouble-free and energy-efficient pump operation requires proper maintenance and effective repairs, which in turn requires that you use original spare parts. If your pumping system consists of standard pumps, you do not need to purchase the necessary parts individually. Grundfos can offer service kits developed specifically for each pump/system.

Workshop repairs
PUMPTECH operates a series of regional repair facilities throughout Indonesia. These workshops are controlled to meet the Grundfos standard of service, by a dedicated team of operatives from Grundfos Indonesia.